News, notes, and info for the second year of Herriman High School Wrestling! Stayed tuned for the latest!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pre-season Conditioning

We are doing pre-season conditioning to prepare for the year. It is student-run currently, but it is a good chance to get in shape, meet some future team members, and start this program off right!
Morning workout Monday through Friday at 5:45 am!
Meet between the boys locker room and the wrestling room.

Everyone is welcome! Talk to Zach Hewitt or Tyson Howes for more information. Stop by my room (#1142) and I'll give you the contact information or look around school for the fliers.

Also, BE A GOOD STUDENT NOW! We will be doing grade checks soon and you must be eligible after the first quarter to wrestle, NO EXEPTIONS! Talk to me if you need help or you have questions.

Great job boys! Go Mustangs!

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